Sunday, April 27, 2008


Bob received word that his bone marrow came back clean. He will go in the hospital on Wen. for his next treatment

For his birthday, Craig and I got Bob tickets for the Baseball game today. He has never been to to the new stadium. This was also sportsman park replica day and police, firefighter day. He got to see the cards win, Pujols and Glaus? hit homeruns, and a bench clearing fight. He went with Donna, Craig and Alec. A great day for ball game for father, son and grandson bonding time. His birthday is May 6th. Hopefully, he will not still be in the hospital.

Everyone wish Bob Happy Birthday.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Bob had several test yesterday. He was very busy with CT, labs, bone marrow, PFT test. Very thing is looking good. We are on the right track. He will be in Barnes next Wens. for four days. This chemo will be one that will be a little tougher on his immune system. He will then wait about 2 wks and then receive his daily shots. Still keep him in your prayers they seem to be working.

He is feeling much better now. He is talking almost normal. He is resting a lot better now.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, April 7, 2008

He's Home

Bob got to come home on Saturday. Sheila came home on Friday night. She and Donna then went down Sat. and brought him home. He seemed to do very well with the chemo. Still having problems taking the Predisone. This seems to make him very nauseated. Craig and I went and saw him on Friday night. We stop and pick up Rigazzi's pizza for him. This seem to make his appetite come back for a little bit. He will get his Neulasta shot today. After that, He shouldn't have to take those eecky pills again. Testing will be done on April 23. Next treatment will be April 30. This will be the 4 day chemo.

Thanks for the prayers.

PS check out my cousin blog (lessen). Babies come home on Thursday. They look so cute and happy to be in Kristi's arms.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Changes are coming

Our time table has changed.

We saw Dr. Barlet and Met Dr Cashen. Bob Started his chemo last night. We finally got into a room around 5:00 pm. This one should not be as bad as the first one. Doctors were impressed on how well Bob is responding to his treatment. The nodes in his neck have decreased half in size.

Dr. Cashen will be Bob's stem cell transplant Doctor. She has changed his time table. In 3 wks, Bob will have to go down to Barnes for follow up test. Then the following week, He will have to have another set of chemo. This one will be different. He will be in hospital for 4 days. They are Ara-C(cytarabine), Etoposide and Rituximab. The purpose of this treatment is to fully depelt down Bob's immune system. Two weeks later he will be given Nupgen shot to boost his white blood cell and stimulate the release of his stem cells (cells which will eventually develop into white blood cells , red blood cells and platelets.). He will have to get these shots daily for 5 to 10 days. So he will have to stay close to barnes. They did say this is an important period of risk of infection. So He can stay in their free lodging during this period. Once his count starts coming up this is when they will harvest his stem cells. This will be repeated daily until they have enough stem cells. We then then rest for 4 weeks.
So Approximately June 16 Bob will go into the hospital to receive his stem cells back. He will receive a High dose of Chemo of Carmustine, etoposide and cyclophosphamide. Two days after receiving the cyclophosphamide and all drugs are out of his system he will receive his stem cells. Four days after that he will get daily shots of G-CSF ( a growth factor to stimulate bone marrow to produce white cells). During this period he will receive blood transfusions and antibiotics. When his count is high enough, he then be allowed to leave. This should be about 3.5 wks.

Just got done talking to Bob. Everything went well last night. No episode of chills and slept real well. He is ready for the next round.

Bob wants a shout out to everyone.