Monday, April 7, 2008

He's Home

Bob got to come home on Saturday. Sheila came home on Friday night. She and Donna then went down Sat. and brought him home. He seemed to do very well with the chemo. Still having problems taking the Predisone. This seems to make him very nauseated. Craig and I went and saw him on Friday night. We stop and pick up Rigazzi's pizza for him. This seem to make his appetite come back for a little bit. He will get his Neulasta shot today. After that, He shouldn't have to take those eecky pills again. Testing will be done on April 23. Next treatment will be April 30. This will be the 4 day chemo.

Thanks for the prayers.

PS check out my cousin blog (lessen). Babies come home on Thursday. They look so cute and happy to be in Kristi's arms.


govaia said...

Glad your home Bob. Take care and stay away from the germs..LOl If you guys need anything, let us know. Glad your doing good!! Take care


Lessen Family said...

Great to see that Bob is home! Matt, Addison and I are praying that he continues to respond so well to treatment! Take care, Bob!