Thursday, May 22, 2008


Just to let you know Bob is home. He is doing well. Next thing is we see the Dr. Cashen on June 11.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What took him soo long????

After long and grueling week, Bob had his pheresis done today. He received the call that they were able to collect over 6 million count. He has had a rough week. He has been in the hospital for one week. During that time, the doctors kept wondering where his fever was coming from. He ran a fever Tuesday until sat. morning. He was having cabin fever. They had him in a single room to keep exposure down. He was getting blood and platelets daily. He began feeling alot better. Luckily his counts began to rise on Sunday and was only a day behind on his stem cell collection. He now has a month off to relax and enjoy until his long stay in June.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fever has sent in

Bob is in Barnes getting his shots. He has developed a fever. He seems to get the fever after his shots. The doctors (interns) keep asking where the fever is. He is getting frustrated. He is getting blood and antibiotics daily. Keep your fingers crossed he will get his stem cell collection on time. He says during the day he feels good one minute the next feels pretty bad.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Collection of Stem Cells

Bob will start his long road of stem cell recovery today. We had some problems this weekend of his port bleeding. I had to take him to Barnes Sat. for them to clean it up. Sunday, he woke up again with a little bleeding. Craig took him to Barnes today to get his Ritxamaub injection. While he was there, he got blood work. His platelets are way low. He is needing to get platelets. Unfortunately, everyone there today is also need them. The nurse said they in a shortage right now. He was running a fever yesterday slightly but not at the point he needed to go the hospital.

He did receive the platelets. He said he was feeling much better now. He now will return everyday to get his neupgen shots until his count is in the range they need. Hopefully that will happen on Friday. If not, they will take the stem cells on Monday. After that nothing will be done until June 16. This is when he will get the stem cell back.

Keep him in your prayers. They seem to be working.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

We are at the Halfway mark

Sorry i haven't updated this. We took Bob to Barnes on Wens. for his next treatment. Tuesday, we had some confusion. They wanted Bob to come on Friday because they were afraid his stem collection might happen on a weekend. Due to the fact I was going to be out of town Friday and Donna and I had already taken off work for Wednesday, we asked to keep our appointment on Wednesday. We meet with Dr Cashen and Bartlett. Dr. Cashen went over what to expect during this next round of chemo, collection of stem cell and then getting his stem cell. He had a port put in to have easier access for the stem cell.
This chemo is a different chemo then he has received before. One good news no predisone for Bob this time. This he had a problem taking because it tasted so nasty. He is receiving Etoposide for 4 days, Ara -C(cytarabine) for 4 days, and on Sunday he will get Riuximab again. Hopefully he will get to come home on Monday in the afternoon. Then He will return on next Monday (12th) for a second Riuximab. The following day he will start his filgrastim shots daily. This is where they will retrieve the stem cells. They will either take on Friday or Monday. They will take blood every day to see if his WBC is increasing. Once it is over 5 they will do the pheresis. To collect the stem cell, it is just like getting a blood transfusion. He will be hooked up to a machine attached to his port. They will then cycle his blood, spin the blood to remove the stem cells and give back the rest.
During the period after his chemo, Bob is to keep away from large crowds and people who are sick. The purpose of this chemo to get rid of cancer left and lower his immune system. Approximately 50% will end up back in the hospital due to a fever and infection. If this happens, he will just be in the hospital while he receives his daily shots.He will notice a drop in energy and possible fever around this coming Friday.
We will meet Dr. Cashen June 11 to go over him receiving his stem cell back. If all goes right, He will receive his stem cell back on June 16th. He will be in the hospital approximately 3 wks.