Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What took him soo long????

After long and grueling week, Bob had his pheresis done today. He received the call that they were able to collect over 6 million count. He has had a rough week. He has been in the hospital for one week. During that time, the doctors kept wondering where his fever was coming from. He ran a fever Tuesday until sat. morning. He was having cabin fever. They had him in a single room to keep exposure down. He was getting blood and platelets daily. He began feeling alot better. Luckily his counts began to rise on Sunday and was only a day behind on his stem cell collection. He now has a month off to relax and enjoy until his long stay in June.


Marci said...

Let's hope the weather is beautiful for the next month so he can enjoy the sunshine. Tell him we say "Hi!"

govaia said...

Glad to hear that he is doing better. I am sure the weather will play a big part for him. We know he likes to be outside. We are thinking of you Tiger Bob!!