Monday, May 12, 2008

Collection of Stem Cells

Bob will start his long road of stem cell recovery today. We had some problems this weekend of his port bleeding. I had to take him to Barnes Sat. for them to clean it up. Sunday, he woke up again with a little bleeding. Craig took him to Barnes today to get his Ritxamaub injection. While he was there, he got blood work. His platelets are way low. He is needing to get platelets. Unfortunately, everyone there today is also need them. The nurse said they in a shortage right now. He was running a fever yesterday slightly but not at the point he needed to go the hospital.

He did receive the platelets. He said he was feeling much better now. He now will return everyday to get his neupgen shots until his count is in the range they need. Hopefully that will happen on Friday. If not, they will take the stem cells on Monday. After that nothing will be done until June 16. This is when he will get the stem cell back.

Keep him in your prayers. They seem to be working.

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