Monday, September 8, 2008

It is coming along.

We are doing well on our fundraising. We have sold (ask for donations) at the Mizzou/Illini game last Saturday. We also sold beads at the Litchfield football last Friday nite. If you are wanting raffle tickets for a half of side of beef, send me an email. We are selling spots for HEE HAW bingo. Yes it is a redneck thing. If you don't know what it is, we sell squares for money. You pick a square where you thinks the steaming pie will land. Many use a steer but we are doing at the football game on Oct. 17th. We thought a pony would be better for kids.

We had a yard sale at the Moose this past Saturday. We sold over $1000. Boy that was alot of work. For the rest of the home football games we will be selling the raffle tickets and spots. Some of the girls will be going to other towns homecoming's to sell beads.

Sept. 16th will be our fundraiser at Pizza Hut. You will need a coupon. We will get 20% of every one's bill from 5 to 8.

Oct 8th McDonalds' will be having their Fire Safety night. They will be having a raffle going to our cause. We will also be out there selling the beef raffle.

Our big fundraiser will be on OCT 18th. KEEP THAT OPEN!!!!!!!

We are doing a scavenger hunt/ dinner/ dance at Shaw's. $25 a couple or $15 a person. We hope to have this as our thank you to everyone that has given us support. Please make sure you will be there.

My training is going well. I am getting better at running for longer periods without having to stop to walk. I am up to 3 miles a day. Within that I am running at least half of it. The best part I have lost over 10lbs. YEH

Everyone keep these dates open.
Hope to see you at one of these.

Thank you for your help and support.


Marci said...

Keep up the hard work. You are getting there.

Lessen Family said...

I don't even think I could WALK 3 miles without stopping...You are my hero! Keep up the good work!